Desexing also called neutering for males and speying for females is one of the most routine surgeries done here at Bexley Vets. Desexing prevents unwanted pregnancies, decreases marking, roaming, dominance behaviour, and removes the risk of reproductive cancers. People are often surprised to hear desexing can help our pets live a longer and happier life.
The life stage at which pets should be desexed can vary but commonly recommended at 5 -6 months of age. Please discuss desexing with one of our vets or veterinary nurses who can help you make this decision. We perform routine surgeries during the week (Monday – Friday).
Benefits to desexing your pet include:
- Preventing unwanted litters, which can be very costly, and may add to the already overwhelming number of stray animals that are put down each year
- Prevention of testicular cancer and prostate disease in males, and it can help prevent pyometra (infection of the uterus) and mammary tumours (breast cancer) in females
- Stopping the “heat” cycle in females
- Decreasing aggression towards humans and other animals, especially in males
- Being less prone to wander, especially in males
- Living a longer and healthier life
- Reduction of council registration fees
In house blood tests:
In house blood tests prior to surgery is an optional extra, but highly recommended. This will provide us with a good indication of your pets overall health, in particular the function of their liver and kidneys. These organs are imperative for your pets ability to metabolise the anaesthetic whilst in theatre.
Based on these blood results, we can tailor what drugs we use on your pet and if necessary hold off on surgery (which does happen!) so it’s a responsible safety measure, for the best interest of your pet and your peace of mind. We call you as soon as they’re out of surgery, and they’re ready to go home to you that night.
Routinely, we recommend a post-operative check approximately 3 days after the surgery and a final check 10 days post-surgery to remove the stitches, if needed, and make sure that your pet has made a full recovery.
How can we help?
We offer a full range of veterinary services to keep your friend happy and healthy.
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